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Re: EDIT..Re: Dr Foster's Essentials

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Dr. Clark Shop
Hulda Clark Cleanses

actualhealth Views: 3,795
Published: 15 y
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Re: EDIT..Re: Dr Foster's Essentials

hi chris, you wrote: "Indeed there is much we don't know about emotionally toxic baggage or even resolving it, and this is an area of much value in its remedy as in EFT for example."

Ahh but, this is the 21st century and we DO know now much much more about the instinctual passions we inherited from our animal roots and which surface as emotions. but like natural hygiene it is not mainstream info so naturally if no attempt is made to learn about it, one is bound to remain ignorant. also EFT does not work as a permanent fix. like psychoanalysis, it is just more re-arranging the deck chairs on the titanic.

humanity is only unaware of how to resolve its emotional toxicity because it does not SEE it as toxic, nor the necessity in examining (with a brain that evolved for that purpose) the root cause of its aggression and misery. in this regard natural hygiene has a much better chance of reaching the masses. the subject of emotionalism is too close to home and will remain taboo for a while long yet, except of course for a few truly caring individuals. this cleanup is a toughy, it requires deep sea diving.

the spanner in the works is humanity's lack of ACTUAL (practical) caring. so far its caring has gone no deeper than the shallow narcissistic levels of the psyche: of the warm fuzzy what in it for 'me' variety. it is still primitively preening itself as a conjured-up self important 'who i feel i am' that imagines its non tangible, non sensate, metaphysical realm is more real than actuality. this is a great loss to all nature on this planet as this emotional diversion means humanity cannot come to its senses and use its ACTUAL inherent intelligence to put an end once and for all to all it's wars, ills and unnecessary self inflicted emotional traumas.

the human brain has a unique reflective consciousness, like no other animal's, and is especifically capable of speeding up this freeing process. But so far it has diverted and perverted its intelligence into an emotional snuff movie called 'c'est la vie'.

such a brain (still consciously *choosing* not to better its knowledge - in a practical sense) makes for a stunted and self destructive intelligence indeed.


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