Re: Successfully Treating and Eliminating Systemic Candida
Hi jfc772...Thanks for the comment. Very interesting your protocol for candida, which is essentially the Budwig Diet which is used against cancer. And yeah, you're absolutely right, candida is horrible I'm right with you there.
My take on illness is that it is a continual battle against heavily chemically processed foods and drugs which we are all forced to eat and take. But make no mistake, I love going out, having a gathering, maybe drinking one over the top occasionally. When I have deviated I know exactly what to do -- normally I simply alakalize the next day. And once a month, for 7 days I take my fresh herbal mix as a safe and gentle detox. Other than that I have become very aware of my body, I know when I'm not right, not healthy, so I take steps to put myself back into that healthy zone. I do stuff like look at my faeces, is it too hard, too soft, the right colour etc. I look at my fingernails which can tell you alot and I often look at my tongue which can tell you all about your intestines and main organs. It's taken a few years, but this is worth learning.
Thanks for your post.