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Adrenal Fatigue and Stomach
dizzeespell Views: 4,642
Published: 14 y

Adrenal Fatigue and Stomach

Would marshmallow root and/or slippery elm powder be good for someone who's stomach is messed up due to constant nerves and stress due to Adrenal Fatigue or possibly too much Cortisol and/or Adrenaline (if that's possible) being released and ending up in the stomach again due to Adrenal Fatigue? And if so how much do you recommend daily?

Hv, what do you recommend for someone like me who has AF and because of it has a stomach that is constantly trashed or in a state of "fight or flight"?

I'm working on my Adrenal Fatigue with all of the supplements you've recommended but I was wondering what I can do for my stomach to settle it down. My digestion isn't perfect but it's more about "healing" my stomach than improving digestion.

Also would Rhodiola rosea daily be good for too much Adrenaline and/or Cortisol in the system/stomach? I was just reading about it and how it can go beyond other adaptogens when it comes to AF. For example, I heard it was good for too much AM Cortisol. Negatively, I also heard it can be too stimulatory for overly tired Adrenals. Supposedly, Rhodiola rosea can balance neurotransmitters and enhance thyroid function without causing hyperthyroidism.


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