Re: Waterdesign Update on Garlic!- Powerray
Thanks, Waterdesign. I will definitely let you know about the
food intolerances . I suspect that the microbes that infest/infect my system simply have certain foods or compounds which they prefer. And these would be the foods which I have the most trouble with. Of course, when I am at my worst, every food makes me bloat. WEll -- I know the solution is fasting. ... Now the problem becomes how to get myself really committed to fasting. I have made a good start with my current fast. Slowly I am working toward my goal of having SOME, a LITTLE health. !!!
The foods I am most sensitive to would be the ones I had abused the most in my life.
Sugar is the prime example. Wheat, to some extent, too. I have not had
Sugar in 14 years. I've had very, very little in the way of flour products of any kind in that time also.
Sugar so nearly destroyed me, and when I was so young and strong, too. It is remarkable to think of how powerful the addiction/infection has been at times in my body. After stopping sugar, I began to abuse sweet fruit, I think, and now most sweet fruit -- some fruits especially -- MASSIVELY bloat me every single time, sometimes literally when I merely look at them. It is a little confusing and troubling (guilt/fear-provoking) that, as I realize, I have only really developed my more severe candidiasis in the period AFTER my sobriety from sugar began. It shows ... what exactly? That's what I feel too vulnerable to get into just now, actually. But I have to remind myself that it is TRUE that I am SO SO SO MUCH BETTER especially emotionally now that I have no more of these highly processed/binge-triggering foods. And it is TRUE that I am again MUCH better since getting on raw foods only. I think my third and most important and transformative turning point is this in-process Great Life Change of learning fasting-at-length.
I am really so disciplined (? am i? -- I DO, sometimes, too often, eat meals that are way too large... I don't know. I feel that I do find ways of cheating and telling myself I am not cheating) -- what I am trying to say is: though I really have some discipline in my life, my condition (systemic infection) is really significantly extreme, so behavior that might produce great health in another can only do so much for me: I have to get really radical and do fasting that perhaps most people will not have to do in their lives. But, OK. I am just like these "hopeless cases" who were taken in by the old-time fasting experts and restored by learning to fast to completion.
Sorry to be so serious. I did not mean to write so much. I think I am just developing my commitment to this fast!
So, please update again on how your eyes, and your GI organs are doing!!
Kind regards,