"Do let me know your feedback, all.
Esp abt the blurry vision."
Hi again WaterDesign,
I believe it was Vilang and maybe Powerray too that warned against the garlic and though it never gave me trouble we are all individuals and it could very well be that it is troublesome for you, at least at this early stage. Experimenting with veg. broth without the garlic sounds like a great idea. I will personally be happy to take something that is clearly making me stronger even if it makes my stomach rumble, but if removing garlic gives you the best of all worlds, that would be a great development.
As to whole watermelon, you say it doesn't make you feel weak like the juices do? I have to be honest that i am wary of it at this stage simply because it is more digestively complicated than the juices (including veg broths). The veg broth which has proven itself in making you feel stronger in the 30 hours you have been drinking it is to me the safe bet and if i were in your shoes i would enjoy that for a few days with nothing else.
As to the blurred vision, this is my experience with it. I once had a lasik surgery which fixed my distance vision but my reading vision was a bit weak which to me was a worthwhile tradeoff. Water fasting fixed my reading vision and in so doing it weakened my distance vision since the two seem to work against eachother. However this seemed to level off somewhat after the first few weeks.
So maybe this is what's going on with you or maybe there is something else going on such as your distance vision improved so that your current prescription will blur it. I would recommend patience and don't worry. It should level out some in coming weeks then you can see where you stand. If in a month or so it is still unsatisfactory to you, you might want to get a new contact lens prescription.
"i have a broth on the stove now: onion, celery, parsley, carrot, beet, ginger. I added the ginger after reading your posts."
I tell you the truth, tomato makes an amazing difference in flavoring the soup if you ever wanted to try that :).
"Drinking this will finally determine for sure if its the garlic causing the rumbling."
Not so fast ;). It is possible that if you had garlic today, your belly would be ready to not rumble from it. You might make a tiny experimental soup in a couple days and reintroduce it to see if it's still a problem. At least we know it won't weaken you.
"I'm excited, because i see my energy coming back full force with this:) I'll be focussing on veggies (Why didn't i think of that huh, Mighty?) and upping my energy for the next bit."
I'm excited too that finally some food choice is allowing you to progress. With veggie broth alone, is your heart calm and normal?
"My heart has been fine since getting re-nourished on the rumble-garlic-broth."
haha, that's funny :).
"No wild pounding, all calm, even after carrying 4-gallons of distilled water without stopping. Could not do that pre-broth."
Beautiful to hear. A wild pounding heart can be quite un-nerving.