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Re: Waterdesign update, pls

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chirontherainbowbridge Views: 2,177
Published: 15 y
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Re: Waterdesign update, pls

..."following a tonsillectomy".

WD, hi. (my computer is going to boot me off soon--sorry to rush)I was just reading today in Dr. Christopher's School of Natural Healing, about NOT removing the tonsils. My grandfather was a pediatrician, and even he believed at the time in routine removal -- I'm very glad I still have mine, I've always known intuitively that every organ serves a purpose. Now we know (thanks to Christopher and his mentors) that they are related to the reproductive organs--They protect them from afar, so to speak, so, you would be wise at some point to look into what Christopher says about rebuilding these, via herbs. Just thought I should mention that as it came up today.

If you google Herbal Legacy, that site has a ton of Dr. Christopher's newsletters on a whole range of subjects of herbs and/or physical issues. It's all a passion of mine...

"..How does one determine such things?" you ask

Strange as it might sound, the first requirement is to be completely honest--regardless of what the past might have been like, to be willing to be entirely open, now. The reason is, if one (mentally) hides anything, then one will hide the incoming 'truth' as well, about what is the right thing at any given point. This doesn't mean you have to spill all your secrets to anyone--it's more an attitude of
allowance, with a receptivity to correcting any errors in oneself.

For me, I often determine via dowsing. I've been doing it for about ten years, and basically, it just allows me to tune into developing my intuition--which is not some far out thing that pmeans "inner tuition" or inner instruction.
Saves a lot of time and mistakes. Dowsing stengthens the communicative channel, just like exercising a muscle. Some things that make dowsing hard to do --

1. Being dehydrated. Water IS life, and esp. as regards the 'higher' faculties, water allows things to flow easily. (just as in the water fast). I always drink a glass of water before testing or questioning, and then question if I am 100 percent to test.

(I don't know how science-minded you are, but you might enjoy a book called Power vs. force, just as a glimpse into
using dowsing (aka applied kinesiology)to test the frequency or truth of anything.Interesting book)

2. Not wanting to know
Oddly, many people don't rerally want to know the truth, or what would serve them well.

3. Fear. >> Fear of all sorts of inner ideas about what is or is not kosher. Soemtimes people assocaite dowsing with ouija boartds and such, and naturally resist the idea.

There's a lot of interesting thought developing,opening up, around the subject of genetics, that suggests much of it can be ascribed to factors like shared dietary habits, (in this life) and shared other words, genetics can be changed.

The biggest plus of the Water Fast for me, was the way it seemed to naturally open the door to the recognition that all things are possible--literally. I hope *you* are feeling wonderful, and inspired--soon! (and, it bears repeating too, right? Have "imperishable patience". Nothing like dancing on the edge of a paradox to bring out the best in a person!



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