Re: Success Story
>>> Not Stage 3, but if you're typing this with your fingers and not dictating a la Stephen Hawking, you're not Stage 3 either, sweetbuns. I was probably a solid Stage 2. Do you want all the symptoms I had?
Yes, please, I'd like to know all your symptoms. I would be very glad to be a "stage 2." Thinking I'm at 3, I've become extremely anxious about not dipping into stage 4, which is, presumably... what? Addison's disease, or flatlining? death? I pinned myself at stage 3C/3D because my "crash" symptoms matched these stages. If I didn't count the symptoms of my crashes, I would maybe not be a 3. And yes, I am typing this, not dictating! ;)
>>I'm 32 now. So probably from about 28 on. I had to quit my job. I'm probably 85 percent. And I've been drinking caffeinated coffee like an idiot the whole time, although I didn't today. I think I've stopped.
85 percent is better than good. It's amazing. You can work now, right? Wow, even drinking coffee. I haven't done that for a year. I do take Vitamin C, 2,000 mg/day, as well as a B vitamin complex, but it sounds like Lam's vitamins are different.
If your symptoms are as bad as or worse than the symptoms I listed in my initial post, and you attribute your recovery so far to Dr. Lam, then I think I will look into trying his program.