Re: liver cleanse
In regard to Intramax ingredients...........
Nickel is now quite firmly established as an essential nutrient, but no Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) or Estimated Safe and Adequate Intake (ESADI) has yet been set for nickel. [Root, E.J. Current Perspectives on Nickel, Nutrition Today, Vol 25:3, June 1990.]
Research showed that nickel was to be found in blood and tissues at quite consistent levels, that it is associated with DNA and RNA in amounts that suggest physiological significance, and that it occurs also in blood in amounts which appear biologically meaningful.
Nickel is required for normal growth and reproduction in animals, and presumably in human beings as well. It appears to have a role in the modulation of the immune system and in development of the brain. Since brain is depleted in deficiency more than other tissues, the brain and immune system should receive attention in future studies of nickel deficiency.
The best sources of nickel include oatmeal, legumes, nuts, cocoa, whole wheat bread, and some leafy vegetables such as kale and lettuce.
Forty years ago in America, a young doctor whose dear friend was dying of
Breast Cancer promised that he would find a drug to eradicate cancer so no one would suffer like she had done. After years of work he finally developed a natural product that “detoxifies” the body from harmful toxins, heavy metals, and even carcinogens. When tested on epithelial cell cancers, the product had a 100% kill rate of cancer cells within 72 hours, leaving healthy cells untouched. (Epithelial cells are skin tissues that cover and line the body. Cancers of the epithelial calls are called “carcinomas” and make up about 85% to 95% of all cancers.)
Because the product is in fact a stabilised mineral, it could be brought to the market as a nutritional supplement to begin helping millions of people immediately. The ingredients are Activated Liquid Zeolites, which are classified by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America as GRAS – Generally Recognised as Safe. They are permitted as food supplements without FDA approval as being 100% safe, natural and non-toxic.
A liquid base provides better absorption rather than in tablet or capsule form.
There is no DHEA listed.
The sugars listed are also essential for health.