I look forward to this forum hopefully becoming a very active one.
The first plant based books I really enjoyed were by Dr. Johm McDougall. That was probably 20 years ago. I adhered to them for a long time. Eventually, I started eating all the great barbecue my husband cooks, and forgot it for a while.
That is where I heard about T. Colin Campbell and The China Study, and Caldwell Esselstyn at www.heartattackproof.com
His study was very compelling.
I thouroughly believe their methods work, but I am not a great cook and I haven't found many things I like on their way of eating except salad.
Here is veg source's video page. It has exceperts from many vegetarians. I don't particularly enjoy the political/radical ones, but there are the others I mentioned plus a few other good ones. There are also 2 full length videos on the site of Dr. Campbell.
This is Dr. McDougall's web site, he advises a starch based diet (and plenty of plants) http://www.drmcdougall.com/
Also Dr. Joel Furhman advocates a plant based diet, he uses more oils than the others to avoid fatty acid deficiencies in his opinion. http://www.drfuhrman.com/
I was wondering if anyone is already eating a plant based diet they enjoy and that doesn't use soy. I am not a vegetarian right now because I always seem to get weak eventually, so I may include fish and egg whites. Just exploring.