General Update
Hi guys,
just wanted to keep you up to date:
Visited my GP yesterday,who advised me to "follow the calcium"...great isnt it ;)
Of course I will do that.The raised calcium could have a number of reasons,ranging from sarcoidosis,malignancy,tumors over adrenal issues up to hyperparathyroidism which is one of the most likely.
according to the following site I stumbled over:
my diagnosis tends towards hyperparathyroidism.My calcium is high,my PTH is normal.If ionized calcium is normal to high also I would most definatly have my diagnosis.
But anyway I will simply screen for anything.At the moment that are the things I will exclude step by step(not all of them related to calcium)
Adrenal Insuficiency
Hashimoto Thyroidism
Magnesium Deficiency
Somatization Disorder
Tomorrow I have a neurological check up to once again rule out a muscle disease.If that is clear,I will step back from the neurological issues.By the way,I did a little experience with my muscles last week doing a bit of handstand training the whole week just to see what happens.doesnt expected much because at the moment even everyday movements seem difficult.but guess what,today I simply tried to lift 110 lbs overhead.Something I have not done since 2 years where I still was a fit athlete.I used to be able to lift it for 1 repetion,as I said two years ago.And today after 1 week of handstand training I easily did 2 reps without warming up.that was more than suprising for me.But it shows me that my muscles are still able to grow,because I have tried the same test 2 weeks ago and could barely get the bar up but not in anyway above my head.So that´s something that put a big smile in what seemed to happen to be another sad grey day.I will keep on with the handstand training for further results.So that just as little sideway story.
So tomorrow neuro appointment.Additionaly I have orderd chest X-Ray,stomach and thyroid sonography,lung fuction test,cardio test,and bone density testing for next week.That will cover alot of the things listed above.Endocrinology appointment is also on the way in the next weeks to run the full panels.And I will try to ask an old friend to measure 24h magnesium levels and ionized calcium as soon as possible.These whole array of tests should give us some insight on what is going on.And if I´m lucky I will end up with hyperparathyroidism ;) that would be the easiest one to handle...
But if everything comes back normal it could eventually also be something psychological.To be honest I have always dismissed this completly.But after the strenght test today I´m not so sure anymore.Because I was pretty convinced that I could not get stronger and therefore it couldnt be something in the psycho-category.But today tends to make me think that the mind can eventually be an extremly powerful mechanism...
but let´s wait and see.and wish me luck for all this diagnosis will cost me a whole lot of money,that´s for sure ;)
thx for your interest and feel free to post
best wishes