Desperate young man needs help!!!
Hi there,
that´s Patrick from Germany.
Since June this year I´m suffering from terrible symptoms:
whole body muscle weakness (every muscle is shaking and jittering when used,my legs feel like jelly beginning to shake even under moderate stress,every movement feels heavy)
along with that I experience balance and coordination problems which I relate to the weakness issues.I feel insecure and instable when sitting standing and walking.
beside that I suffer from exhaustion,fatigue,sleeping problems,hair loss,depression,anxiety,and my newest symptom bone and joint pains.
I can´t exercise because my muscles feel to weak and after training my bones will hurt.
Normal everyday activities feel heavy and hard.I feel uncoordinated an imbalanced with every movement.
all of this is constant 24 hours a day.
All my problems began in May of this year with a rapid heartbeat,several panic attacks and constant exhaustion along with dizzyness and headaches for about a month.After that the weakness issue described above started.
Since June I have a constant feeling that I´m going to die of some terrible disease.Maybe it´s because of these debilitating symptoms.
I just dont know what to do anymore.I was checked by several doctors including a lot of neuro´s.All tests were negative,and all of them say it´s nothing serious.
So I desperatley need your help.What can be wrong with me??
Could it be stress,adrenal fatigue,some latent mineral deficiency?
please help
thx in advance