Is this not the kind of micro-managing
that Moreless has recommended we NOT do???
Just be sure you have plenty of organically complexed minerals from a variety of foods, be a bit careful with you sodium/potassium balance, and greatly improved health CAN be yours!!!
Do some research here at Ask Moreless regarding WHY the toxin scare is just bunk!!! If our bodies have what they need, will preferentially choose what is best for them and shed any toxins. They are DESIGNED to do so!
The alternative methods of dealing with this, including the NAET you mention, drain one's financial resources to the point some experience financial destruction. In the cases I know of, they STILL are not as well as it is possible to get using the simple inexpensive things we advocate here. Many of them get much worse, some suicide.
So, do we want a simple way to life or a complicated way to death???
QUIT trying to make this all so COMPLICATED!!!!