16 y
Re: Do I need some acid ? Worth a try?
On the mercury/sulfur connection...
"Theory Three: The Onion-Sulfur Theory
Maybe the sulfur-bearing thiols in onion/garlic redistribute mercury in people with metal toxicity, thus causing the body to "reject" this invasion in the form of allergy to sulfur foods? You can read about mercury's affinity to thiols here:
I know of a woman who underwent NAET allergy treatments. And she was getting better. But then, upon clearing for egg allergy, she began feeling worse and worse. Then it dawned on her that maybe because she had now started eating eggs, the sulfur thiols within them were binding to her body's mercury and redistributing it, thus causing pain. (This is available for reference on the Maelstrom NAET mailing list archives.)
In a similar vein, maybe people develop calcium intolerance for a similar reason? Perhaps it's because their bones leech calcium into the bloodstream in order to alkalize it to compensate for their depletion of magnesium & potassium? See:
FBioMedx: How Body Acid Displaces Minerals"
Currently, I am trying to look up the antidotes available for an acute sulfur toxicity.