Re: Fasting Preparation - "Das Boot"
Muchas Gracias Mouseclick,
"I always think of fasting as an exciting journey, going into the unknown, and running on battery power, that is on the body's own reserves."
Same for me. Journey, adventure.
"I suppose my love of the sea makes me draw marine analogies with that, and the one that most closely resembles a fast to me is a submarine. Most boats float around on the boring surface powered by diesel, but you are diving and running on batteries. Underwater it's different, it all slows down and things run so smoothly. You get a completely different perspective, one which most people never get to see."
Another very decent analogy :).
One of the secrets is preparation. Your preparation remnds me of this review describing the initial days of a U boat on an Atlantic voyage in the excellent movie "Das Boot":
"The close confines of the sub are claustrophobic, as every conceivable space is stuffed with fresh bread, sausages, sides of bacon, and fresh vegetables. They leave the harbor to the strains of a brass band."
And yet another :). Indeed I packed away precious nutrient reserves over the past 80 days :).
Though i was eating for health ever since breaking the recent 10 day fast, i wish to give you some credit for helping to inspire me to eat kale, collards, swiss chard and bok choy having encountered their immense level of nutrient density within the fuhrman site which you directed me to :p.