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Image Embedded Re: woman discovered dead after 18 months
Zoebess Views: 2,267
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Re: woman discovered dead after 18 months


There you go, how sweet and easy it seems
for you to ASK for friendship~!

Raynbo is a compassionate, thoughtful
person and I hope you continue to reach
out to be friends since friendship tends
to bring the best out of a person. People
tend to even treat their friends better
than they do their families.

I have one friend, probably the one
person in the world who follows me
through my life, even when I am trying
to hide out, and he does remind me of
a faithful dog who will come to sit by
you and lay his head on your knee and
whispers to you, I think you are great.
My friend is someone I never knew before
he walked up to me. He is a sensitive
person and just liked my aura. He said
to me, something as simple as the way
you asked Raynbo for her friendship,
"I want to be your friend". For me,
it has been over two decades now since
I met this man. We do not even see
each other now except every few years
and yet through email we keep up with
each other as if we lived next door
to one another. This was never a
sexual relationship either, but a
friendship. He also taught me a huge
lesson at that time. That it actually
is THAT easy to make a friend. Making
the choice to be one allows it to happen.

There is some little story about lemons,
life and making lemonade. To me depression
is like lemonade without sweetener. It is
not something you need but it makes life
sweeter. In many respects it seems to also
be chemical for some people and so simple
shifts in diet, sleep habits, supplementing
with herbs can shift the chemistry so you
feel better. Otherwise, it seems to be fear
that keeps people stuck in their comfort zone
even though they are unhappy and depressed.
Fear is a worthy opponent and once you are
able to face it, I doubt there is anything
which you cannot do...

Very often, too, we admire stories of
children who face great adversity with
illnesses which are painful and yet they
inspire us through their suffering and
their example of facing the fear of their
mortality. They seem happy, not to be
suffering, but not to allow the suffering
to get the best of them. They generally
exude LOVE to those around them.

(smile) The photo is not one of the lady
who was really the topic of the article.
The photo is of a woman who obviously
confides in her furry companion and who
easily could have been the woman under
the right or wrong circumstances.

I also liked your analogy about the rose
colored glasses. It does not matter what
color they are when you are in a black
tunnel. When you find what you are doing
is not making you happy, it is always a
choice. Even if you cannot move, you have
choices in your mind of how to dig out
from the darkness. I have been in bed
for months at a time, in my past, and
instead of allowing my will to live to
seep through ceiling and disappear, I
decorated my inner landscape with memories
and wishes. I planted seeds for change in
my darkest moments. I probably am lucky
I can do that. I have to believe there
is a way for anyone to do it. I have
had near death experiences and so when
you think, now is the moment, I am standing
on the precipice of death and do I leap
or wait to be pushed?? Life is fragile
and emotions are responses but they do
not define life. The energy which we
call life is greater than any single
thought or collective consciousness.

I am still looking for answers too. I
do not regard happiness as a sign of
success but like the sweetener, it is
a measure of the choices the person made
to seek happiness. Personally, I am a
truthseeker. Truth has become devalued,
and knowing the truth of many matters
does not make you happy, but there you
have it, what makes me tick. When I
find my moments of joy and happiness
I do savor them and at times, sing
and dance...





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