Re: Need some help, pretty please.
Daarchitect I'm a male, 23 years old - I had massive beard acne, but the first accutane treatment (which I was getting for my folliculitis) completely wiped them out, and the condition never returned again. Sadly the scalp thing did, even though I'm on my third accutane treatment so far. The last derm said it was a mistake that I was on accutane for only three months eith strong dose of 30mg a day, so now he prescribed 10mg per day in the course of six months. I'm happy to say that after two weeks I'm already getting some results and can at least sleep at night, thank God!
You said that most that develop the desease have very dry scalp and that's the thing - I don't. On the contrary I have very very oily scalp. My hair gets all greased up in a day, s I wash them every day which ultimately only makes it worse I guess. Thanks for all the tips and guidelines I hope you're right and I don't have FD. Plus is there any chance the desease really fades away in time as my derm said? I'm really really scared what will happen when I stop taking accutane again. Best regards and thanks again.
Bred Pitt, I'm from Slovenia, a country of two million:) Regards, you're in my prayers.