I'm 23 years old and have been suffering from scalp folliculitis for three and a half years now. The main problem is that I'm still pretty uncertain about my diagnosis. I've been on different anibiotics with various results, but folliculitis returns, when I stop taking them. I have been on accutane for four months with great success (my scalp cleared up) at the time, but a couple of months later, folliculitis returned again. I'm getting misareble and completely desperate, I'm scratching my head constantly and it just gets worse and worse. The lab results for bacteria were all negative. Is it possible that I have FD, altough for now, I haven't noticed any major hair loss? How long does it take for the scars to be really visible? Thanks for your help, my Folliculitis is really getting me down, I'm losing my mind.
P.S. I'm from Europe, so sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.