Re: Refusing to have sex on the first date- find a good man
Interesting subject - I feel the need to interject into your advice.
My advice would be proactive instead of destructive.
Advising someone to break their marital vowels is in my opinion destructive.
My advice would be:
1) communication with your spouse
2) communication with your spouse
3) communication with your spouse
If he does not know your needs - he will never meet them and visa versa.
If one needs multiple partners then there is no reason for a marriage. Actually as we grow spiritually - man develop the feminine in balance with the his male spirit as does the woman develop the masculine and balance it with her female spirituality. Thus having balance for the woman in this case - and not having the "need" of a man. but only the joy of the union with a man....
The bottom line is we can only change ourselves - It is most important to live and support ourselves- this may feel selfish but that is BS programming from childhood. That said we should not trespass across our fellow man in the process of meeting our needs. This is the foundation of all healing and only in doing so can we grow to love others in the true sense of the word... Well spiritual healing, but I have found in my life that spiritual healing manifests into psyical healing as well...