'Well put. But this is too much two sided stories here. The man can sleep with thousands of women and he is considered macho. The woman is she does the same is considered loose. So some men with their demented minds, think if a woman sleeps on the first date, that she does that with everyone.
So find someone who cherishes you and appreciates you enough to call for the second date is my opinion.'
I agree with your statement that women are essentially thought of as sluts and men as playboy studs for doing the same thing. But I don't think that a woman should use that to decide whether she will do it on the first or second or whatever date. Because that just keeps the stereotype going. Nothing will ever change for woman until they take charge of their own sex without referring to the media or men to dictate what it all means. Woman should also refrain from using the same stigma against other woman. It just keeps the stigma going.