Re: Castor oil cleanse/flush...afterwards...
Yesterday's 1/2 tsp. of castor oil, orange, and warm water seems to have worked to keep the bowels moving nicely, and so on.
(I forgot to say that the pot of soup I made contained both some coconut oil and cilantro. I have wondered if coconut oil and cilantro keep any mercury on the move...affecting ones sense of wellness...since I have some pretty strong tooth issues lately.)
Last night, after three small slices of bread with onions and melted cheese (!), I made myself a 'beet bowl' of two hot cooked beets, coconut oil, butter, chopped onions, garlic, and ginger...with salt, and half a teaspoon of my mixture of equal parts of sage, thyme, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves, the Humaworm 'in-between' mixture I made myself. (Tastes awful, but I gotta use it up some way.)
I liked the 'dish'.
Anyway, I had at least one sharp pain in the gallbladder area, today.
That felt more like the herbal cleanses I've taken to flush the liver, which worked at least once, long ago, in spades!
I am tempted to take another 1/2+ teaspoon of castor oil, with orange, and followed by hot water, as hot as tea.
...Or, even by the
Liver Flush tea preferred by White Tiger. (Google "Eye of Tiger" on CureZone...recipe there.)
Then, too...I may be looking at this whole thing too 'up close'. Maybe what I really need is a rest. Maybe my liver, etc., needs a restorative rest.
I think about Newport's suggestion to clear the bile duct, etc. Partial
parasite blockage may be the problem there.
I notice no severe twinges, anywhere, though I seem to have some brain-fog. Could that be heavy metals, circulating? That might be a signal to slow down a bit...let the body protect me from it.
On the other hand, I may have a good, and needed, cleansing cycle going. No major symptoms encourages me to keep going. ...Unless the brain-fog is a warning.
I really would like to get a lot closer to dumping any bile duct blockage...I don't like that 'heaviness''s one of my major irritants. And, I saw yesterday that the bladder/urinary irritation leads to depression...which I did not realize I had, for decades.
Hm-m-m...I just now decided to go a bit slower. Think I'll skip the castor oil, and the herbal
Liver Flush tea.
I'm pondering the crystal mineral salts bath, later today. It's such a good detox.
I'll keep up with the water-drinking, too.
Maybe soup, or another 'beet bowl', tonight.
Yell, if you see me making a big mistake, will you...please?
All suggestions gratefully received...I haven't been on this path before.