Miss Helfinger, everyone...
Hiya, Miss H.,
Who knew there were so many other things to think about?!
Just watched a video on the effects of fluoridated (synthetic?) city water on valued and loved quarter horses.
They preferred to eat snow, or drink muddy ground water (even digging a hole to get it), than to drink the city water.
Another video showed horrible equine dental problems, apparently from fluoridated water.
Yesterday I took two sips of castor oil, each with citrus, to kill the taste. Half an orange, as I wrote above, and, around midnight, with half a glorious pink grapefruit.
At 2 a.m., I went to sleep and slept a total of 7 1/2 hours...interupted only once by a trot to urinate.
Yesterday I was irritated by both urinary urgency (which makes me depressed), and a 'heavy' gallbladder (a disappointment after the real changes for the better from a castor oil flush, described above).
Today I have neither...though I haven't yet had my usual BM, and it's noon now. (Too much pasta over the last three days, I think, though yesterday's movement was excellent.)
(It just now crosses my mind that periods of relief from either irritation - urinary or gallbladder, are signs there is nothing organically wrong...like a tumor or something. Yahooo!)
Your mention of a coconut oil flush sounds interesting. I've just been adding coconut oil here and there to the diet, for ages.
If you do castor oil, I highly recommend you start very small...see how it sits with you...maybe half a teaspoon at a time.
Mine is Palma Christi, but quite old. Perhaps that's why it tastes extra vile.
As for iodine, I was having a fistful crumble of kelp in my salads/soup-salads, daily, maybe about a year or two ago...for at least a year.
I've drifted into a daily sprinkle of dried basil, lots of minced garlic with minced ginger, some local oregano, and sage, once in a while...with emphasis on brazil nuts, and now hazel nuts added.
I figure there is nothing like Himalayan crystal mineral salts for iodine, through the skin...baths...1% solution.
I reason that all the mineral elements possible are there in dehydrated ocean water...balanced for all living things by ocean plants. What could be more happily
Iodine than ancient, clean, oceans? ...'Clean' meaning before man invented pollution...just add water.
Then, the skin is the perfect organ for balancing the body's mineral contents, in and out, by osmosis...plus dilution of toxins of all kinds.
I was fortunate enough to understand 'osmosis', finally, in my 60's, thanks to a kidney dialysis patient, decades ago. Thank you, Peter.
I'll fetch the link to Daisy4's summary of the book, 'Water & Salt', in the Salt forum's 'RN'-rated messages.
Interestingly, she was given some argument...but, at the end of that thread, she simply said that it all comes down to vibration.
"Amen to that," says I, as I gaze at the pretty pink chunk of 250,000,000 year old crystal mineral salts that is a lamp, beside my computer screen.
Put my hands on it sometimes, too...just in case.
Another thought I tripped over, as well...
I saw a National Geographic program that depicts how this Earth has been shifting and heaving, mixing elements, for eons. Until then I only had my imagination, and considered volcanic eruptions. Love them!
Luckily all the mixing processes are going on all the time, and National Geographic was able to capture some of them on film...and added some great photo graphics...plus a lot of smarts.
Then, knowing that some have written about the 'food chain', and growing things, I was able to see that soil micro organisms play 'the' most important part...carrying the nutrients to plant roots, for their marvelous selection abilities.
NO...the growing soil is NOT 'depleted' of nutrients, as was 'discovered' in the 1930's!
It was and is depleted of the vital soil micro organisms...by plowing.
Kill the soil micro organisms, and we have shot ourselves in the foot.
The only other place plants can get all the basic nutrients needed for life, balanced by zillions of ancient ocean plants, is from ancient deposits of dehydrated crystal mineral salts...diluted in enough water.
Today's living soil micro organisms in heritage land, or spoon-fed ancient mineral salt deposits...in enough water...that's our choice, as I see it.
Plants feed us wonderfully, if they are served by soil micro organisms.
Soil micro organisms have to be protected from the ravages of the elements by weeds and grasses. Period.
Dig, in any way, and we lose that protection. No matter that produce grown on tilled soil LOOKS okay, it is stressed, and vulnerable to the insects, and other things, whose job it is to break down stressed, unhealthy, plants.
Anyone who sees that destruction of our food has to tell it. I'll keep saying it over and over, in myriad ways, for the rest of my life...what...another hundred years? Methuselah lived 900 years, they tell us.
I figure that, take out the pollution, don't plow heritage land, don't ship, and we all conquer illness, and obesity. (Oh happy day!)
Good thinking about swallowed clay reducing needed nutrients, as well.
Perhaps we should only swallow a little, once in a while.
Or, bathe in some...maybe a small amount added to the tub. We could test its effect in, say, a hand bath, or a footbath. Personally, I wouldn't add it to my crystal mineral salts bath...I like how that bath already is. Two footbaths produced dramatic changes for the good. Anxiety disappeared, perhaps permanently.
Depression, however, for me, seems to be another story...one of disappointment, and loss of hope...until I see a wider picture, or get rid of the irritation in the urinary bladder area. Narrow focus is so limited!
There is always more joy to see!
My best, Miss Helfinger, everyone.