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All's well that ends well...

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Turmeric Bowel Cleanse
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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All's well that ends well...

24 hours after the first post in this thread...

I ate a small meal last night, as I hadn't eaten all day (wasn't hungry). It was salad with Spring Mix; cilantro; two boiled eggs; olive oil; lemon juice; bits of ginger and garlic; Hellman's Mayo; Real salt; and imitation crab, made of pollock.

I feel it was the imitation crab that put a stop to the bathroom visits, but not the buttermilk, as expected.

I also feel that the burning feeling inside the anus makes a person want to go a suppository.

I don't know what causes that burning sensation...bile or toxins.

I drank lots of warm/hot water yesterday...once with a dollop of sole (solay) made from crystal mineral salts...and again this a.m.

I felt so much better about midnight that I attempted to watch 'What's My Line?', as is my current habit and fell asleep immediately after, sitting up...slept for an hour (keeping myself from falling on the floor)...and went to bed in a lovely fresh bed.

I was up and alert before eight a.m. and slept so deeply this noon that I awakened at 3 p.m. thinking it was morning.

Earlier, the two broken teeth in my mouth where fillings fell out and showed me the teeth were now hollow, tasted bright, shiny, 'silver'. The filling parts of those teeth are gone and many small chunks of them (some swallowed) but, still, there is mercury, etc., coming out of the remainders. Every other weak spot in my teeth is forming cavities, fast, all, I think, from the mercury, etc., circulating in my mouth, and so on. The cilantro, and likely other things, draws it.

I started, at eighteen, with no cavities, then went for a 'check-up'. And I am about to give any dentist who shows his face around here...such a slap!

Anyone know an elderly dentist?

The liver/gallbladder area is very quiet...unsuprisingly. I have the merest echo of 'heaviness'. The parasite 'prickling' feeling in the upper abdomen/midriff area, on that side, is gone.

The parasite 'prickling' feeling on the other side, outside the pancreas, I believe, is just a little 'heavy'.

I can just imagine the critters sitting back on their haunches, dickie birds circling their heads, wondering what hit them.

No urge to go to the bathroom, big time. No 'soreness' left. The two pounds I thought I had lost yesterday, is back...though I maintain my fifty-pound loss overall, over the past few years, bit by bit.

Next time I do castor oil I'm going to start with 1/2 teaspoon, with orange juice, or some other fruit.

I'll take 1/2 teaspoon on the following day, too. If I don't then get the reaction I want, I'll go to 3/4, or perhaps as much as 1 teaspoon. I'll keep on until I get the cleanout I want.

No more 2 ounces for me!

I know, I only got cramps a few fleeting times yesterday, but they remind me of the tall glasses of hot, thick, senna mix I was given a few times as a child.

Absolutely no fun whatsoever!

Like dentistry, those practices should be boiled in oil. Isn't that deep frying?

Oh yes, you know that little spot behind my right eyebrow that aches some every once in a while...well, it doesn't!

I think it is bowel-related, and perhaps a sign of mold around, or in. Back to leaving out breads, cheese, beer, and other fermented foods...except the bottle and can collecting we do for restaurants and other establishments looking for tidiness.

Our van smells like a brewery, but we've gotten used to it.

Whoever tidies your bottles and cans will love you forever if you dump the dregs for them, and toss all caps. (There is someone in your town saving the corks for crafts, too.)

I love the outdoor exercise...and always dress in clean, though elderly, clothes. I'd even dumpster-dive if we didn't pick up from appreciative clients.

Donate to children's charities...they do wonderful good.

Spread tidiness...the world needs it.

Visit recycling depots, a few times, to see how...but cover your ears, and don't take your is too noisy.

Many thanks for the smiles, TizMe, Telluride, and Corey. You helped me through this.

My best,




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