Castor oil cleanse/flush...afterwards...
Weight seemed to drop two pounds; rise two pounds; and this morning, rise three
pounds again.
Haven't had a BM since the flush was over, though I felt things, and a couple of times have heard the 'gurgling' which may have been the liver releasing fluids, or not.
The major heaviness in the gallbladder/liver area is definitely gone, but this morning there is a light 'sensitivity' there. Don't know if it is just an 'echo' or what. I bend to that side easier. Did a job of work yesterday that could possibly have strained muscles, but that hasn't bothered me in weeks of doing it several times per week. Actually, I enjoy it.
Drinking lots of water, for me, much of it hot/warm, as I did all through this.
Yesterday I found this about the adrenals, by Newport...
Since I had some of this ache again yesterday, in both kidney areas, the suggestion caught my eye, but I didn't yet do it. I am wondering if a teaspoon of Himalayan crystal mineral salts sole (so-lay) might do the trick. Just went and put a dollop into my morning two cups of warm water. No taste.
Last night I found myself reminded of that lovely state of relaxation and well-being I felt with the distance 'healing' from a Domancic Method practitioner of Bioenergy Healing.
I feel that energy healing is all there is, and that it is the 'only' way, what we strive for with all the 'methods' we try; but I have to remind myself. Somehow I get caught up in 'doing it by hand', foods, supplements, and the like...then I wonder if 'healing' happens in physical events, and we are guided to the right ones for us...and then I want to reflect on those healing sessions and go there once more.
Oddly, I have connected the feeling of well-being to the four statements of the Alexander Technique of posture...
...Release the neck...balance the head on its hinge where the back edge of the skull attaches to the top of the spine. As the head rises up, the chin may come in. This takes at least a year to learn, and you should have the aid of an Alexander Technique practitioner...who has spent three years in training. I don't.
The difficulty lies in that the 'right' muscles have grown weak from misuse, and we slump into various unuseful configurations...which affect us terribly. Alexander had lost his voice in the 1930's.
I saw a friend after 30 years apart. Her whole appearance was stunning! She would have shone at a great distance, in a large crowd. Check this out! Begin by Googling.
...Widen the shoulders.
...Lengthen the torso.
...Release the legs.
These four 'statements' are to be said only, I believe...not motions. Somehow the body begins to return to its best posture, simply by reminding us.
The neck/shoulder muscles may hurt a little during the first few weeks.
I tell this story in full expectation that you will get expert instruction. It isn't wise to fool with this yourself...though, in a way, we are, by NOT knowing.
I wonder if a child might pick this up simply by observing the posture of its parents. Children may be born with good posture, I think...then, unlearn it.
I have had the spontaneous passing of a huge calcified stone after sleeping, head nodding, during a three and a half hour slightly bumpy car ride. Those lower ribs massage the liver/gallbladder area.
Everything inside is connected, I think.
Be well, my friends.