Re: Pregnant wife 5 weeks without bowel movement!
Thanks for all the encouragement. Forgot to mention in my reply to your other post that she has been off drugs for almost 2 years now. She was using when I met her and I was able to lead her to Jesus, she hasn't used once since the day she met me. We are both very blessed to have found each other. =)
But yeah, I believe her long term abuse has worsened the effects of her pre-existing health conditions and might have possibly retarded her "thirst mechanism." Though this is merely speculation.
***I agree with you that it may be a strangulated or twisted colon, and that laxatives at this point are probably not doing much good, and could do some harm.
I know stimulant laxatives are out for pregnant women, but am still not sure if osmotic laxatives (like magnesium) are okay for her at this point with all the factors being taken into consideration...
***I also agree she should get some professional help, and this should not be delayed. I'm so skeptical, though, of what the standard medical procedures will be. Finding a doctor who "will actually do their job" as you say, is the tricky part. I would prefer she see a good ND or a very experienced midwife. However, I must relunctly agree there may be more to be done than they can do.
Agreed, I've spent many hours on the phone talking to both midwives and holistic docs...the ones that would talk to me anyways. The suggestions I've gotten from different midwives included: vitamin c to bowel tolerance (always thought this was a bad idea for pregnant women), and milk of magnesia with an enema. The suggestions I've gotten from ND's included: colonic, and high dosed magnesium citrate.
Her last GI specialist recently rx'd her lactulose which I'm not sure about as it is a
Sugar and the sorbitol from prune juice gave her agonizing cramps...
I'm hoping(praying) that the GI i've set her up with will be competent and knowledgeable. Until wednesday, (her appt) I plan on having her take: stool softeners, miralax, fish oil, and hopefully some other kind of oil supplemented with at least 2
quarts water.