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Re: Pregnant wife 5 weeks without bowel movement!
TizMe Views: 22,888
Published: 17 y
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Re: Pregnant wife 5 weeks without bowel movement!

I agree with you that it may be a strangulated or twisted colon, and that laxatives at this point are probably not doing much good, and could do some harm. If she can eat enough roughage to get things moving, that would be the better way. There's always a concern with laxatives and pregnant women, I think. I also think her previous life style has predisposed her to this very situation. Whatever the reason, though, she's where she is right now, and it's not a good place.

I also agree she should get some professional help, and this should not be delayed. I'm so skeptical, though, of what the standard medical procedures will be. Finding a doctor who "will actually do their job" as you say, is the tricky part. I would prefer she see a good ND or a very experienced midwife. However, I must relunctly agree there may be more to be done than they can do.

First of all, Daddy2B and Mommy need to be on the same page. So far, they don't appear to be. Bless his heart, he's doing what he can. I think she must be very nieve, (I don't think I spelled that's late), about the dangers. Sad. At least she's trying to drink more water. Hope she can keep it up.

Anyway, Daddy2B, get some help right away. If you don't feel what the doctors say is the right way, search out another way. But hurry! All of us here are well meaning, but we can't see her personally and do an evaluation. You've been given some choices. Let God be your guide, then listen to Him. He will direct your path.


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