Hi Maverick. Do go and get those tests done (adrenal and thyroid preferably by a naturopathic or alternative physician as the tests are more accurate) **BEFORE** preceeding with anything. This will give you a clearer view of what direction is best for you to get well, and then whatever money you have to spend, will not be wasted.
Remember that emotional affects physical - I can't remember who it was here but their advise was very key -- Find some good emotional support, encouragement from people, friends you can talk to and share your feelings. Isolation causes more stress. Physical activity is very important, even just walking outdoors for 15-30 minutes is excellent (walking your dog). It works wonders for me.. Finally find something you love to do where you can get lost in it. If you feel you need further help,again, try EFT or EMDR. These are short-term therapies and are awesome tools that work. If you want to email me privately, please feel free to.