I have the mirena, I too had it put in after 6 weeks of giving birth, and I had alot of problems rigth away, although, my OB is very good and fixed the strings from poking me, and my husband. I think I might be pregnant again?! And I came on here to see what others thought too. Because I was for sure that I couldn't get pregnant with the mirena in. But I haven't seen my OB in almost 7 or 8 months, so I couldn't say on where or how my mirena is positioned. But I too have thought about it moving/repositioning itself. I'm so sorry to hear about your mishap there. I think I might sched. an appt. soon. I wanted to take a preg. test but I'm scared. LOL...We only wanted one child, but it'll be ok if we have 2. HEHE. How was your symptoms as far as noticing them?