hi, i have also just got the mirena inserted, however i didnt really get told how long it takes til it takes affect. I was having sexual intercourse before it may have taken affect, and without any other form of contraception. Anyways what i am getting at, is when you found out you were pregnant was it only from having it removed, i am trying to understand with it in place how you can tell your pregnant and if it shows up positive on a urine test or not. I had a really light 2 day period on the time when my period would be due, which ive been told can happen, but since then have had one bout of severe cramping and pressure in my pelvis, chills nauseas all the time, so im worried about pregnancy or eptopic pregnancy.I went to the doc and they reckon it might have been a tract infection but werent sure, it wasnt even showing properly on the test, but a urine pregnancy test didnt show either, but it could be too early im not really sure. I know this isnt really answering your question, its just your the only person that has written about getting pregnant with it in place. The doctor told me my strings are still in place, but im worried about the possibility that something happened before i got it in, as the same thing nearly happened with my son
any info you could give me would really help, i would like to keep in touch to see how it goes for you.
i feel like i have something off to the right hand side of my belly area that feels strange, im not sure if it could be this or something totaly unrelated.The lower of my back can hurt or laying on it pressure wise. I get this pinching pain in this spot. I know this doesnt happen earlier on in pregnancy hence why im worried something may have grown out of place, but i cant figure out what it could be and am curious to know what symtoms you had and finding out etc. What about periods while you had it in? I dont even know if urine tests would show up properly if you have it in or something like eptopic happening.
Ive had two babies and heaps of complications with the birth of my daughter, so hopefully it will get better for you, like it did for me. I didnt have anything inserted for either child but know the pains and joys of birth.
please take care of yourself and get plenty of rest and support, i wish you all the best if you dont get back to me, if you do meet your little one you will never look back as they are the best thing ever! i had 2 in one year and not twins so this says alot..
anyway thanks for taking the time to listen