how burdock and parsley root help the kidney patient
In addition to the powerful effects I observed from my mom taking it and how it was the first time she did not get deathly ill in 2 years of dialysis when she took parsley root and burdock, and in fact, said in great shock and happiness, she did not feel sick at all after dialysis and that never happened, I want to tell you what this herb does and why it is beneficial and why I am recommending it for you, Jensen.
Burdock is the one that helped my mom in her last weeks of life with zero functioning kidneys, you are in better shape so it should help you as well.
I just read today not only is a blood cleanser it is a diaphoredic herb (that is it makes you sweat) so I would add that posthaste and also do anything to help you sweat more and the skin brushing with a natural bristle brush to be sure pores are open.
I looked up burdock today in Dr Christopher's book (again he trained
Schulze and many of the formulas and the incurables program he did first (schulze altered somewhat)
Here is what burdock does in part
burdock is an alternative herb
what is an alternative herb?
Alternative herbs gradually alter and correct impure conditions of the blood, promote elimination of impurities.
They alter the character of the bloodstream because of being possessed of certain properties which the vital force can use in stimulating or strengthening the organs of nutrition and excretion, building up so that waste material may be carried and a supply of helpful pablum may be provided for the organism. (blood impurities are occurring with a little functioning kidney)..alternative herbs like burdock alter existing nutritive and excretory processes and gradually restore normal body functions. Certainly this is helpful for the kidney patient who has a filthy bloodstream. It is called a blood cleanser or blood sweetener.
It is a tonic herb
tonic herbs stimulate nutrition and permanently increase systemal tone, energy, vigor and strength (so it might help with the weakness)
it is a diuretic herb; they increase the secretion and flow of urine..certainly needed by the kidney patient
Burdock is a diaphoretic herb--these increase sweating and increases elimination through the skin..needed by the kidney patient to assist the non working kidney
it is also a stomachic (stimulative tonic to the stomach; a (mild laxative or evacuant to the bowels) --also needed; a depurative (herbs that clean or purify the blood by promoting eliminative functions..check), an antiscorbic (prevents and cures scurvy), and demulant herb (one that is mucilaginous and soothing and protective internally to irritated and inflamed surfaces and tissues),.
Dr. Christopher is one of the best herb cleansers in nature and benefits the skin, soothes the kidneys,. and relieves congestion in the lymphatic system,. it increases the flow of urine and is useful for weigh loss." He list it for kidney and bladder troubles,
He does not discuss parsley root in his book only the videos which I lost but I did find this
Parsley Root is a natural and effective diuretic that helps to purify the blood and accelerate the excretion of toxins from the body. Parsley root may also ease bloating, reduce excess water weight and improve urination when it is painful or incomplete. Because of its diuretic properties, Parsley is believed to lower blood pressure, reduce the heart rate and relieve hypertension. Parsley is also considered a mild laxative.
And this health properties of parsley root : mild diuretic, lowers blood pressure, eases water retention
Dr Christopher saved his sister's life who was to be dead by morning. He tells the story on one of his videos and she had dropsy which makes one swell to twice their size since the kidney and skin do not release fluids.
It is a diuretic (makes you pee more),a blood purifier (explained above)carminative, (excites intestinal peristalsis and relieves/promotes expelling of gas), and hepatic (herbs used to strengthen, tone, stimulate the secretive functions of the liver and increased flow of bile) It may have other is not covered in doc Christopher's book but I saw this on line about it. Among it's uses help in kidney and bladder and liver problems.
so add the parsley root, burdock, and plaintain tinctures to your incurables programs as they are specific to your health problems...just as Schulze added hawthorne for the heart patient, nervines for the lou gehrig's patient, lobelia for the lung cancer patient, and ginkgo for the senile, so, too, should you add herbs specific to your problems.
Again make or use organic tinctures..if you make these yourself using bulk herbs, it should be very inexpensive to make. You might try just buying an ounce of two of do not need a whole pound or to get organic or wild crafted..the plaintain you might be able to find in the lawn or park not sure if it grow does here and if you find the parsley root (do not confuse with parsnips which look similar but parsley root had parsley like top foliage as opposed to the feathery tops of carrots (but white not orange) but both look quite similar), this will make a lot of a bunch of parsley root cost $2 a bunch and it makes a lot of tincture.