Re: Stage 5 Kidney Failure...
Lots of great info, Tigger!
I'd like to add:
When folks are in serious trouble/distress, they do NOT need to know what we "think" might work for them, nor do they need to be totally confused and overwhelmed by options.
Dr. Schulze s FULL Incurables Programs works!! BUT you HAVE to do FAR MORE than just by that wimpy lil' kit he sells now...the activated charcoal, the extra tinctures, the specific tinctures for each person's condition, the castor oil packs, and of course, the juice fasting is essential.
For those of us that have The Save Your Life set (Dr. S's MOST complete information on the IP program published), we KNOW what he did, and we KNOW it worked (and we know how he got people OUT of crisis). To throw variations into the protocol is both confusing and can VERY possibly be counterproductive and/or dangerous.
Also, yes, Schulze recommends on a couple of occasions not to overdo the herbs, but that's a very VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE of the times when he says...take MORE of what you are sure will work, IF taking the normal/double dose didn't achieve the effect you were after (or as completely as you'd thought it would). ***
***It is not at all dangerous for someone doing the IP to work up to 2x/3x the daily dose of the tinctures and tea...UNLESS they have an allergy OR they exhibit an adverse reaction to the typical dose. Common sense, eh? :)
I've been doing tons of 'deep research' into the old herbalists and tinctures. Try to find an old apothecary bottle that's smaller than 4
ounces - it's virtually impossible. I have 2 bottles here from around the late 1940's (Ginger & Cayenne)...actually made by Eli Lily (how amazing is that? Big Pharma actually made herbal tinctures...of course, during the 40's & 50's (and even 60's) there were still doctors that were "old school", so they used them regularly in their practice.
Guess the dosage size. How about THREE droppersful 4 times a day. That's right on the bottles (one says, something like 'more or less depending upon your physician'. And that was STANDARD DOSING!
Of course (common sense again) there are some herbs that one must utilize sparingly (red clover will thin your blood and lower bp...too much? a possible adverse drop in bp). But the herbs in the kidney formulas? Virtually no chance of anything but faster healing.
Of course (again, again! :) if WE ourselves are out of any danger zone, playing around is a fantastic way to learn...and more information for US to consider, debate and compare is always a learning experience.
But I VERY strongly feel, the time for all that is not when someone's needing desperate, FAST, healing information. They need to know ONLY what will definitely work, where to find the info/products and get to work FAST. They do NOT need to be confused by all of us having a "learning conversation". Hence, if we KNOW and are SURE of what will work, that's great, but methinks 'otherwise' we should try to start another thread (?) or something like that.
Healthiest of blessings -