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Re: Stage 5 Kidney Failure...
Tigger21 Views: 32,314
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Re: Stage 5 Kidney Failure...

Dear Jenson

You have a plethora of information (and maybe too much to assimulate?)

I think if it were me I would;

One glass of distilled (preferably) water

One glass with the formula 2

Wait half hour for the charcoal mix to go thru your stomach(SCHULZE ADVICES)

Start the Kidney formulas 2 dropperfulls on an empty stomach,in a bit of water or the kidney tea(this will help your kidneys to work better at outputting the junk in the blood AND the fluid retention.)

wait 20 mins approx or more for stomach to absorb liquids.

THEN put some good nutrition, in you such as schulze superfood in fresh squeeze fruit juice.

After that some whole fruits and then take formula 1( this has to be taken with food especially as you are new to this)

((Blood cleansing herbs cna also be done but not at the same time as kidney herbs.You system needs to experience it seperatly first till you see how it feels.))

This is just an idea to start you off. but no matter what anyone says you have to go by how you feel afterwards. Most people get better because they go by how the food/herbs feel once they are in your system.Even if they did not follow an exact program.

Distilled water is only good for short period of time, as there are no minerals in it but these are easily replaced with the right nutrition afterwards.

Cayenne tincture/powder is alway good for most people. those that suffer are usually the ones not on a good diet in the first place. I have seen this first hand. Cayenne can be added to most drinks and can be drunk anytime but dont do this all at once.

If you have seriuos fluid retention then I would seriuosly consider salt baths. they do help with moving fluid out of your system as well.I put about 500gms in bath just to get my leg better-even used some old dulse flakes in the bath as well.

See what you think



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