17 y
Nothing like a little sex, to destroy what is otherwise a perfectly good friendship. It either makes or breaks it, most oftenly, it breaks it. Within marriage, it's all different.
Smart people don't marry for sex, but for the person. Devotion, surrender, sharing, working together for a common goal, which typically involves children. Once one has the right partner chosen, the sex is icing on the cake. Prior to marriage, sex without commitment is usually poison. Sucks, but that's the way it is. Those who can't control it, end up diseased physically or mentally, never or only rarely finding what they think they want, and what they really need. I think for women, the important thing is to make sure they're not alone in life once they hit their mid 40's and beyond. There are exceptions, but, men and women need each other, no matter how un-satisfied they are. Hell, nobody is ever truly satisfied with anything, it's our nature. Just have to take what you can get, some get luckier than others, but the luckiest, like Streisand sang, are people who need people. Those who claim they don't need a man or a woman are only lying to themselves.
So just be pretty sure that the one you choose is someone who you can keep happy enough to build nice life and memories during ages 25-45 so the later years aren't lonely ones.