Im a vegetarian and I agree, lots of vegetarians are unhealthy and dont eat very good. Im always reading about diet and trying to eat better. In the end you just have to listen to your body. (whether you are meat or veggie) I felt better when I added in some more sources of protein including cage free organic eggs and eating them only lightly cooked with the yolks raw. Raw egg yolk feels like power food to me. Vegans and fruitarians will tell you that egg is poison, etc. BUt I dont believe this, because Im listening to my body and my body wants the raw egg yolk. Im going off the level of awareness I have with my body at this time, which is based off my current level of health. I believe the healthier and cleaner and more balanced you become, the more your body will let you know what it needs. This applies to anything, and any "diet" such as veganism or meat, etc, can be healthy or good depending on the choices one makes.