Re: controversy over raw food...
If there is any truth to this article, and I'm not suggesting there isn't, but if there is, then the writing - doom for us all by way of what we eat, is pretty clearly on the wall. If plants have evolved to be as inherently dangerous as you say the article claims, what then are the alternatives? Did the article offer alternative solutions to eating these plants they say are tainted, or did it only focus on the tainted plants? Did the article offer any information that talks of how the danger in these plants can be lessened or offset....perhaps by cooking mixing with animal products or other spices? (animal-animal, not human animal) How about factory refining, does this portend to offset the inherent dangers to a significant degree? Did the article make any distinction between the alleged danger plants have evolved when it comes to them being eaten by lower animals versus those that are said to be higher animals? This would seem to portend doom for the lower animals as well us higher human ones....perhaps we are all fated to go the way of the Dodo.
"In all honesty, everybody that I have ever seen that has ever been a raw foodie for many many years looks absolutely TERRIBLE."
Would you please put this into perspective that has some meaning to it, like, how many everybody's have you seen that have ever been eating raw food for many many years? 1? 10? 100? 1000? Maybe you live where raw foodies are common, but around these parts, they are either more rare than Dodos or are being kept in captivity and not allowed to wonder around in the public where I might be able to see them. What do they look like exactly? What are the telltale signs that are the queues to you to say - yep, there's another terrible looking raw foodie - ?
In the same vein, I take it that you are referring to what people look like on the outside, like, how they dress, the condition of their skin, hair, body tone, overweight or underweight, body language and other outward appearances covering up what is really going on inside the person? This of course leaves the question - what do they look like on the inside? What do raw foodies look like on the inside especially in comparisson with people who've been on the typical mainstream diet for many many years? You might need to dust off your Sigmoidoscope and perhaps Endoscope to get closer to a good answer, but it seems a fair one to consider.