Traderdrew You hit the nail on the head, so to speak, because yes there are many Raw Fooders who appear and are unhealthy. That is because they are not getting the appropriate amounts of minerals, proteins, antioxidants and the like in their bodies. Those who you may see are either eating too much of one thing and not enough of another. They are not getting adequate balance. Green leafys are essential and if you are not getting enough of those as a Raw Vegan, your goose is cooked, in my opinion. Read Victoria Boutenko's book Green for Life.
From reading all the misinformation about Raw Fooders on this thread I would also recommend reading her other book 12 Steps to Raw. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, who is medical physicsn and author on nutrient, did the forward. I can't believe I am reading so much misinformation and misunderstanding in one thread. Please read about the subject, talk to Raw Fooders who are in a solid community and then come back and let's debate. As a Raw Food who has reversed several medical problems by eating 100% for several years, I would love to discuss this topic. I am also a certified Raw Food Teacher and Consultant.