17 y
MMS keeps the body busy.....
"For some reason, MMS does give people colds. I think it's because
your body is so busy dealing with the die off from MMS, that being exposed to
cold and flu virii (or whatever they are) the body just doesn't have the
resources it used to for fighting them off."
I tend to agree with you that if MMS is doing what many say it is doing, the
body is so busy fighting all the stuff coming out that it can't cover all the
I'm an old guy and have gathered many things into my reality but have also
done a lot of cleansing. I had TB as a child (still have tumors in my
lungs which have encapsulated the TB - have been told the TB is still live),
cancer - without medical intervention, spent a year in Korea where we were
exposed to all sorts of disease and sprayed from the air with DDT and on our
bodies too. From the air it was for mosquitoes, on our bodies it was for
lice. That was an era when all sorts of disease were still common.
So my body has accumulated a lot of things. On being diagnosed with
prostate cancer I began ingesting 4 and 5 cloves and more of raw garlic a day
(garlic kills prostate cancer in the lab), and have done lots of gall bladder
and liver flushes as well as a significant routine of oral hydrogen peroxide
ingestion for several months. I'm convinced that I've cleared out a lot,
but that there's more to go and will stay with MMS until I've done the 15 X
2. I'm currently staying at 6 X 2 until Wednesday to get through the
Another factor in my cold is that I quit my Vitamin C supplements because I
didn't want to stop the MMS action. That could also be a big contributor
to my cold.
By the way, garlic is a huge healer. It clears heavy metals out of the
liver, which is where they accumulate. It kills parasites in the digestive
tract - except for the eggs, so you have to keep at for a while. But
garlic is a huge body cleanser.