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Re: fungus - Re: Neti Pot
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Re: fungus - Re: Neti Pot

Yeah, I'm that horrible guy who drinks his own pee and got rid of my decades of athlete's foot.  Yes the nail fungus of any kind is in the blood stream and has to be killed there for a permanent solution.

I've tried numerous "alternative" stuff, from Zappers (what a waste) to the above, and a zillion things in between, but urine therapy has provided me with way more benefits than anything else.  I'll be drinking it until my last breath, literally.

I'm not yet convinced that MMS is all that great.  I've done h2o2 with some benefits, more than MMS.  All MMS has gotten me so far is a horrible cold and fever.  I continue with it because for the first few days I had more energy and slept much better, but even that has gone awry. 

I struggled with fungus for years, I know what your going through.  One last thing is that Tea Tree Oil was the best topical treatment I ever found for nail fungus.

Best in your quest.



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