i havent tried l-lysine, so i can't comment on improvements using it but i know its for collagen and elastin but that isnt specific to the lips.. skin everywhere on our body needs that. i read someone used 2000 mg to see improvements.. what dosage are you using?
Julie if the skin is dead its not goin to rejuvenate bac to life. the best thing would be to peel it,as long as your comfortable. I have work and college next week and i will be trying treatment too. It'll be impossible not to peel(if needed) because i have to deal with co-workers etc.. I cant even lick my lips.. i've had a whole decade to deal with this, so i know how it feels, especially socially...i still have no doubt though... Do your lips really stand out? Can you tell the difference via mirror from now and before?
I'm still waiting for my products, so i'll keep yall up date.. god bless