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Re: Blood vessels
CheiltisFighter Views: 6,802
Published: 18 y
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Re: Blood vessels

people with normal lips would bleed if the skin would be ripped off... so yeah its bad..

but i have made some progress with research i basically have got what i was explaining, found in a book.

"The dermis lies below the epidermis and in conjunction with the basement membrane at the dermal-epidermal junction provides mechanical support for the outer protective layers of the epidermis. Two overlapping, simultaneously occurring processes contribute to the overall changes in skin aging"

because its not bleeding, its a sign there is no connection that means there is no "mechanical support"... i don't mean skin cells(collagen/elastin) but the outer layer(epidermis) and lower layer(dermis/raw lips).

This is a lil complicated.. took me a while to get the anatomy knowledge

Now finding a way to rebuild/repair this connection is what i'm after.. damn, if i could talk to a dermatologist online to answer this question it would be easier..

"How to rebuild/repair the basement membrane/dermal-epidermal junction?"



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