the normal layer of skin may just be skin cells at their healthiest point before they begin to age and eventually die.
When i peel the skin on my lips there is no blood... it should be so simple. I think we damaged our blood cappileries/bloodvessels in the lips and now no oxygen/nutrients is reachin the epidermal layer(the layer that constantly growing and peeling). Us lip biters/pickers damaged our lips by forcefully peeling them and damaged the connection between dermis(raw lips) and epidermis. The ones who got it in the shower may have a bad diet, which explains the lack of blood circulation... it could be an allergy for some.... That post i did earlier gives a good explanation. Thats why i think a niacin cream or any sort that stimulated blood circulation or growth of blood cappileries can repair that connection between the two layers
I'm not looking into overdosing....but the guy earlier that said he cured himself temporarily it makes sense. I'm still googling lol... 2008 is comin up folks.