It makes perfect sense to me why L-Lysine(amino) and Vitamin B(B6) helped that poster earlier. If i didn't do all this research i wouldn't understand why Lysine would help.. and vitamin B plays a important role. I have to be patient with this treatment... Possibly go 4 days on a high dosage and examine my lips.. see if resistance and blood is present.
Even a Liver Flush makes sense because the liver distributes amino acids.. so resetting your liver with a flush, i can understand why this aids in curing cheilitis.
Having cracked white lips before this is a sign of bad diet. So people who have taken the candida route corrected their diet and their colon (used for absorbtion and candida can block that) is cleared which helps with absorbtion of vitamins/nutrients...
And leaving the lips alone, with the proper supply of amino acids may repair that layer that was destroyed. So i can understand on this forum why some people praised leaving the lips alone.
It all makes sense to me. I KNOW it can be cured... peace.