Re: re:
yep uklad.. either with diets or supplements ...not only vitamin and minerals but protein is very important to our body for repairing. Protein aka amino acids are the "building blocks".
Julie when i mean "bleed" i mean looking for normality... basically before you/I had cheilitis your lips wouldn't bleed but if you attempted to rip skin off (OUCH) they probably would... if you understand where i'm coming from.
with the basement membrane if its going to develop.. its going to have to not be tampered with... like i said its a tricky situation.
e.g. you take amino acids (basement membrane starts to develop/repair)
you peel the skin forcefully that is attached(still growing because its protecting the lips while repairing)and it damages basement membrane all over again.... the cycle continues.
My approach is going to be find a good moisturizer and only take off skin that is really dead with a nail clipper.. with higher dosage i think repair will take quicker but i can't force the issue or i'm to blame for not progressing... I can still make my lips presentable with a good moisterizer and dead skin is easy pick but carefully without damaging what is repairing.
When i look back at this forum and read some success stories its all understandable. Many people have been correct in their approaches..