Nobody seems to want to deal with bullies anymore. At my daughter's school, a bully got "detention" which was basically pulling him out of class which was basically what HE wanted...the principal said "he's just a misunderstood child, we don't want to deal with him too harshly."
As soon as he went back to class, he went up to his teacher and sucker-punched her right into her 8-month-pregnant-with-first-child belly...and then had to be carried out of the room - literally kicking and screaming by no less than FOUR supervisors - each with a limb.
No, we don't want to ban the bullies. We don't even want to teach them a lesson - just keep on allowing them to cause pain.
What a screwed up world we live in.
Good God.
Beam me up, Scotty and drop me off onto a new planet. Let's call it a "do over"!!!