Re: Why Is There So Much Anger?
It is a matter of being responsible for the situation one is finding himself in. But most everyone prefers to blame the other why one is living in the hell that one finds for himself. Pointing the finger at others, blaming others for the self created misery, and one will remain immature. Remain in anger.
Everyone is responsible for the stress they are encountering for themselves.
Each of us has contributed to the situation as it exists today. We have all supported the life style that we find ourselves with. As a collective group of individuals, we have each played our part in creating the rat race pace in amerika. It is the same in other countries, but it crescendos to a much greater degree in the rich countries.
Anger comes from frustration… frustration comes out of expectation… expectation is because of desiring mind…. Desiring mind comes from conditioned thinking that “I am not ok as I am”… that “I need to be someone other than who I am to be happy”… that “I need to be somewhere else other than where I am to be happy”… that I need to have something in order to make it better… in order to be a happier person.” This is how desire is created. This is how the whole mess is created.
One is never really told that you are ok as you are… and, that wherever life takes you is perfectly alright. On the contrary one is taught that the world is a struggle… that it is a cut throat affair out there… and you should prepare yourself for the fierce competition that lay ahead...
We have all been conditioned to be ambitious and to have goals… it is taught by the parents, by the the education system and in the universities… one makes an extreme effort to become a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist… so that they can be happy, whenever that materializes…. Or to get a house, a car, a family… and happiness will then, shower more upon you…
So, from the very beginning we are taught by the people that have preceded us (the parents) that one is not ok just to sit there. One has to become useful in this world. To make one’s place in this world… to have a good job or profession…
to become someone great, a president... and then when you will "make it" (whatever that means), your life will then become blissful... And when it doesn't come, how much frustration is there, and the great anger that is there... because the idea you have for yourself has failed.
Just look into your neighbor’s garage and see what is accumulated there. The stuff is piled high and deep. All the things that is suppose to bring happiness. All across america and you will see that everyone has been fed this pipe dream of having things will make one happy... of becoming someone... something... will bring a wonderful life.
And usually, it is only after living 70 or 80 years of life does one finally get it… only after going through years and years of being lost in this conditioned ideology do some people finally get it. That having things does not amount to a bag of beans. That there is nowhere to go, and really nothing to do. Just sitting and relaxing with oneself is the real treasure. But by then, it is usually too late. Life is ending and the understanding comes… but, then, it is too late, life is slipping out of your hands… if only someone had told you before.
Yes, it is usually around the time of holidays, when everyone is swept up into the race to buy more things, to make other people happy, does misery come to a peak.
Just being a little more conscious and you will understand that it is easy to come out of it. And then you can enjoy like Wombat says, "Who's angry?"