Re: This is not the right forum
That in itself is an incredible thing. When have other countries, backed a presidential candidate with such enthusiasm?
Other countries have backed presidential candidates for probably close to 230 years; by this I mean other filthy rich inbread noble elite criminals from all around the world have been influencing this country's "progress" since it's founding and before. But, down at the common people level, that's another question, and yes, I believe it is an incredible thing. Common people around the world realize how they too have a vested interest in the sorry political conditions in the U.S. If and when the U.S. falls, I mean really topples at the hands of the motley international crew of dictatorial satan-worshiping oligarchs, banksters, industrialists, socialists and fascists who's fingerprints and grubby hands have been all over this country's public & private parts for many decades, once that happens, the rest of the world, nation by nation, continent by continent, is likely to follow suit in fairly short order... and I suspect there are quite a few average common people around the world with their thinking caps still on tightly enough to foresee this. Given the present debased and sullied condition of this once reputable Republic, I can imagine it's easy for the home folks to forget that for hundreds of years, people of all nationalities from all parts of the world once looked to this country as a beacon...that was then, those days are nearly gone.... so yes, people around the world likely have vested interest when that beacon appears to be on the brink, under significant threat of being snuffed out once and for all.