Its the metals. I was the easiest going guy you could know in High School. Nothing bothered me. By my late 20's I got to be cynical and negative all the time. By my early 30's, I started having nightmares and waking up in the middle of the night with panic attacks. I also started "cussing" people out for no good reason and getting into some road rage type situations. I would talk to people at work and lose track of what I was talking about - in mid sentence! I got some really strange looks... :)
Now after some chelation, I still get angry, but I'm a lot more even tempered then before. The panic attacks have really gone down too as well as the depression.
You have to be careful though, I started eating fish again ( low mercury fish like Salmon ) earlier this year and found my anger increasing. I think the body can't handle mercury again until you get most of it out of your brain. So I'm avoiding all seafood and fish ( except for Fish Oil ) at this point.