Re: Protocol... Please Help
First... let me thank you all for responding. In the light of day and after re-reading the guys post I have a bit clearer head about all this. I over-reacted to his post. He was basically saying that chelation in general was bad, specifically mentioned the cutler protocol, said he had all kinds of instances where people were damaged but then gave no links or additional info. I should have read it with a more discerning eye. My biggest concern is that I have only read of one person getting cured using the Cutler protocol and that is Andy himself. A few anecdotal cases of people getting somewhat better but thats about it. So, if anyone has additional stories, sites, etc... I would greatly appreciate it.
I would also like to add some additional info I did not include in my original post. I am seeing a practictioner that was personally recommended to me by Andy. He refers alot of people to her. Because of some of the problems I was having she consulted him directly about my case to see what else can be done. She recommended that I stay on DMPS non stop. I have not added in ALA because you have to wait for 3 to 4 months post
Amalgam removal to do that which IS Andy's protocol. Being on DMPS non stop is actually mentioned in Andy's books as a way to alleviate redistribution symptoms. I know I read it somewhere but can't seem to find it right now. While the book has tons of info in it, it really could stand some better organization and ease of readability. Anyway, I am stupid when it comes to how the body works and for that reason have chosen to see someone to help me. I take TONS of supplements recommended by her. I spend about $700 per month. I am looking to cut back because I can't afford it anymore.
I cannot take SSRI type anti-depressants as they cause extreme anxiety (I had my first panic attack my first day on zoloft) and prickly / heat sensations throught my body. Anything that stimulates seratonin does this to me. For some reason GABA does this as well. I would like to try the 5-htp but I am afraid to because the pricklies can last anywhere from an hour to a day. I seem to do better on tricyclic anti-depressants but right now they aren't doing much for me. I think they stimulate dopamine or neuropenephrin (can't remember) which are different receptor site than seratonin. Anyone have any suggestions? I did start to take SAM-e but I am only taking 400 mg and have only been doing it for 2 weeks. I am also taking Lithium Orotate which was working in the beginning but not so much right now. With all the crap I am taking its hard to figure out what helps and what doesn't.
I am going to taper off this dosage of DMPS and stop for awhile. I started with half a pill last night and will keep it up until tomorrow morning when I will stop completely. So far no hives today but crossing my fingers.
Again, thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. I would like to know from Andy or someone who is knowledgeable what the hives thing is all about. My practictioner is on vacation or I would ask her directly.
Thanks again,