Re: Protocol... Please Help
If you want good stories about Andy's protocol, check out the Mercury-Autism group on There is still a bunch argument about whether or not heavy-metals, and primarily Themerisol from
vaccinations are to blame for Autism, but there are a lot of parents in that group chelating their kids using Andy's protocol with good results.
Agreed, you are on Andy's protocol, just the beginning stages. In my case, I never did the DMPS. I didn't try Andy's protocol until more than a year after having mine out and I went straight to ALA, which has worked great for me. But by then, my body had probably gotten rid of most of the "free" mercury.
As far as supplements, you have to weigh what you need and what you don't. In my case, I kindof try something recommended to me for a bit, see how it helps and also research what it does from other sources. I have "stopped" several supplements that just seemed too expensive without enough benefit. If you explain your situation, maybe your doctor can take a few of the less neccessary ones off the list. Also, most of these doctors mean well, but they can mark up the suppliments a bit. There may be alternate ways to buy some of them for less money from another source.
What was your situation with the Amalgams? Just curious. In my case I had about 9-10 Amalgams, and cavitations, and a root canal.
I used to get the hives and rash all over my truck when ever I ate and panic attacks too and tingling. I also would get rage attacks. I was put on an anti-depressant for a week and quit, it made the problem worse. I first thought it was just
food allergies , triggered by the amalgams. I got NAET treatments and it helped some.
But in retro-spect, I think allot of the panic attacks, tingling, etc had to do with a combo of things. Serotonin is made in the "gut" as well as the brain and everytime I ate or drank, things went haywire.
1. Yeast in the gut and its toxins, which really takes off when you eat certain foods, and still is a problem with me like many
Amalgam victims.
2. Virus activation when I ate, I also noticed "dizzyness" and head swellings with the tingling. By the way, my Ebstein-Barr virus anti-body tiers are about 10 times normal! Another gift of mercury fillings.
3. Heavy metals in the endrocrine glands/CNS, especially the Thyroid/hypo-thalamus/Brain stem/adrenals/ and pituatary. The metals wreak havoc with the feedback systems that keep all of this in sync.
Don't worry, once you are ready to do full Chelation, it will get better. Your body will begin to rebalance.
I don't give hives much anymore, I almost never get panic attacks, and my hands and feet don't turn into "icicles" any more.
Hang in there.
For the time being, trying avoiding stuff like chocolate and anything with caffine. You might want to avoid any
Sugar at all and eat fruits in moderation.
And maybe trying only eating 1 thing at a time, to see how you react and keep a journal. This was the only way I "survived" for almost a year before I got a handle on things. Really, I came close to giving up on numerious occasions, and I heard later that some of my friends and family were starting to think I was starting to lose my mind. But it will get better... You are already getting some good support.
Sorry, wrote a good deal more than I intended, Hope this helps...