Someone on another mercury list posted something about the Cutler protocol causing more damage than good. All this scientific stuff goes way over my head but the gist of it was there was several sites out there that have alot of people who have been harmed by this protocol. I really need to have some good info about NEGATIVE responses to this therapy. I have been on DMPS for 3 months... the last 2.5 weeks non stop (based on my practitcioners advice who follows the Cutler protocol). If I go off the DMPS I get SEVERELY depressed and anxious. I am taking 35 mg every 8 hours and I am starting to get skin reactions I think to the DMPS but not really sure. I am now afraid to go off the DMPS (I feel like my body needs a break) due to the Depression and possible redistribution I read about elsewhere. Could I be harming myself? I have a 7 year old to take care of and she needs me... I can't be messing around with my health this way.
Can someone please help me and give me a good dose of sanity? I wish I could comprehend this stuff better... I just get so confused half the time.