Re: The blasto have won before I've even started......
I feel for you Rexy because my symptoms were so similar to yours. I tested at the Parascope Lab. I had a terrible reaction to Threelac and all probiotics. I too had massive reactions to giving up foods. But I "gave up" dairy 16 years ago and grains about 5 years ago - way before I knew about parasites. I remember being told that there is a 3 week threshold and then a 3 month. If you can survive the first three weeks there will be a big change. Could you try giving up just dairy first?
My advice:
1 Try not to take too many products. I usually try to limit to one at a time otherwise you never know what you cannot tolerate because of the leaky gut caused by parasites.
2. Don't bother with Flagyl. All but useless now for parasites. Just about everyone from badbugs who contacted me said the same and lots of medical reports agree too.
3. I really think you should try Wormless
because you are in Ireland and can receive it quite easily and quickly by post. I really think it is a product which gives lesser die-off symptoms than any other. We are coming up to the full moon and
parasites are fully active then.
I am taking it again now (last time 6 months ago). The last six months have been the best for years. My energy and strength have returned. I can tolerate eating the “wrong” foods on a daily basis.
4. Dealing with constipation is essential. It will be worse during a
parasite treatment unless you can find a solution. I share this problem with you which is why I persist in thinking it is a
parasite problem. I have just had
colonics (expensive way to deal with the problem but the most effective for me). This time I have just bought an enema kit though I don’t really know how to use it!! I expect I will stare at it for a few months before trying it out! I have tried every constipation solution that exists under the sun and nothing works and I know from
colonics there is nothing “wrong” with me (strong peristaltic movements, I “release” easily- I take masses of olive oil). The only thing I haven’t tried is
Oxypowder but senna and cascara segrada are only ever temporary solutions for me and not pleasant.